From Zoom Fatigue to Office Oasis: How to Bring Employees Back to the Office

From Zoom Fatigue to Office Oasis: How to Bring Employees Back to the Office

As the world slowly emerges from the pandemic, many companies are making the tough decision to bring employees back to the office. While returning to a familiar work environment may be exciting, others may have grown accustomed to the flexibility and comfort of working from home.

Convincing your employees to return to the office might not be easy. After all, working from home comes with many perks - no more commuting, more time with family and pets, and the ability to wear sweatpants all day. So how can you persuade your employees to return to the office while ensuring work-life balance and happiness? In this blog, we'll explore how companies can request their employees to return to the office respectfully, effectively, and consider while also ensuring work-life balance for their employees.

Be Clear and Transparent:

Being clear and transparent in communication is essential to make sure that employees understand the reasons for returning to the office. It's important to explain how returning to the office will benefit the company and its employees. If the company has noticed any difficulties with remote work, they should be honest about it and explain why in-person collaboration is necessary. Clear communication can build trust and credibility and help employees feel more comfortable returning to the office.

Provide Advance Notice:

Providing advance notice to employees is crucial to help them prepare for the transition back to the office. Employers can inform employees of their plan to return to the office through a company-wide email, virtual meeting or a combination of both. It's important to inform employees about any changes in policies or procedures that will take place when they return to the office. Employers should also make sure that employees have sufficient time to make any necessary arrangements, such as arranging for childcare, transportation.

Offer Support and Flexibility:

Employers can offer support and flexibility to employees concerned about returning to the office. This can be done by offering flexible work arrangements such as hybrid work schedules, where employees can work from home and the office. Employers can also offer to adjust work schedules and workloads or provide access to mental health professionals or other support services to help employees balance their work and personal responsibilities.

Address Concerns and Feedback:

Employers should be prepared to listen to employees' concerns and feedback and consider them when making decisions. Employees may have various reasons for not wanting to return to the office, such as health concerns, commute difficulties, or other personal reasons. Employers should take these concerns seriously and work to address them. Employers can also ask for feedback on improving the transition back to the office and implement any reasonable suggestions.

Celebrate the Return:

Employers can make the return to the office a celebration. Celebrating the return can help create a positive and supportive atmosphere and show employees that their work is valued. Employers can organize a welcome-back event or provide perks such as breakfast or snacks. This can help ease employees' anxiety about returning to the office and make the transition back to the office a positive and memorable experience.


Bringing employees back to the office is not just about logistics and schedules. It's about creating a positive environment where employees feel valued, supported, and productive. Requesting employees to return to the office can be a sensitive issue, but with the right communication, support, and flexibility, it can be a positive and productive transition for both employees and companies. By being clear and transparent, providing advance notice, offering support and flexibility, addressing concerns and feedback, and celebrating the return, companies can create a positive and productive work environment that balances the benefits of in-person collaboration with the needs of employees.