Beyond the Job: Understanding Candidate Expectations in 2023

Beyond the Job: Understanding Candidate Expectations in 2023

Attracting top talent in 2023: Know what job seekers seek! From flexibility and company culture to career growth and social responsibility, candidates want more than a job. Embrace these expectations to create a positive candidate experience and set your workplace apart.

As we settle into 2023, the job market is more competitive than ever. Job seekers are seeking employment in a post-pandemic world where they've been able to reassess their priorities, values and what they expect from their jobs. Therefore, hiring managers must be prepared to navigate these changes and stay ahead by understanding what job seekers seek. To attract and retain top talent, staying on top of the latest trends and expectations is essential.

In today's essential landscape, job seekers are no longer just looking for a job. They want a workplace that aligns with their values, goals, and interests. They expect more from their employers, and as a result, their expectations are higher than ever before. From flexibility and company culture to career growth and social responsibility, job seekers want a workplace that offers more than just a paycheck.

This blog will explore the key candidate expectations that hiring managers need to know in 2023. So if you're a hiring manager looking to stay competitive in 2023, keep reading to learn how to create a positive candidate experience that will set you apart.


It's no secret that flexibility has become a top priority for job seekers in recent years. From remote work options to flexible hours, candidates want the freedom to work in a way that suits their lifestyle. According to a survey conducted by LinkedIn, 72% of professionals want flexibility in their work schedules. To meet this expectation, hiring managers should be open to flexible work arrangements and clarify that the company supports work-life balance during the hiring process. Companies that offer flexible work arrangements have a competitive advantage in attracting and retaining top talent.

Company culture

Candidates today are not just looking for a job; they want to work for a company with a positive culture. A company's culture can majorly affect employee satisfaction and retention. To meet this expectation, hiring managers should prioritise showcasing the company's values and culture during the hiring process. This can include sharing employee testimonials, highlighting company initiatives, and providing information about company events and activities. According to a study by Glassdoor, 77% of job seekers consider a company's culture before applying for a job. Hiring managers should be prepared to showcase their company's values and culture during the hiring process.

Career growth

Candidates want to know that the company has room for growth and development. To meet this expectation, hiring managers should be prepared to discuss career growth opportunities during the interview process. This can include information about training programs, mentorship opportunities, and promotion paths within the company.

Competitive compensation

Compensation is still a top consideration for job seekers. According to Glassdoor, 67% of job seekers said salary and compensation were among their top considerations when evaluating a job offer. Hiring managers must be prepared to offer competitive compensation packages that align with industry standards and reflect the candidate's experience and skills.

Tech-savvy recruitment process

As the world becomes more digital, candidates expect a tech-savvy recruitment process. This could include video interviews, online assessments, and digital onboarding. Hiring managers should be prepared to use technology to streamline the recruitment process and create a positive candidate experience.

Social responsibility

Candidates today are increasingly concerned about the social responsibility of the companies they work for. To meet this expectation, hiring managers should be prepared to discuss the company's social and environmental commitments during the interview process. This can include information about sustainability initiatives, corporate social responsibility programs, and employee volunteer opportunities.


Transparency is becoming increasingly important to job seekers. Candidates want to know what to expect from the hiring process, job expectations, and company culture. According to a survey by Indeed, 61% of job seekers said that a lack of transparency in the hiring process would cause them to have a negative view of the company. Hiring managers should be transparent about the hiring process, job expectations, and company culture.


So there you have it! As we wrap up our exploration of the candidate expectations hiring managers need to know in 2023, it's clear that job seekers are looking for more than just a job. They want a workplace that aligns with their values and offers a positive and engaging work environment. Ultimately, it all comes down to creating a workplace in which people want to be a part. By implementing these tips and insights, you'll not only op talent but you and a workplace that fosters productivity, creativity, and innovation. So, don't be afraid to embrace these expectations and create a workplace that sets you apart. After all, the sky's the limit when building a strong talent pipeline!